Custom Solutions

Marketing Assesment
Review your business model, target market, positioning and all marketing tools currently been used. Provide an in-depth assessment of traditional & digital marketing tools that could be implemented at different phases of the business - from a startup to a large corporation that may require re-branding and digital update resources. Contact me for a FREE quote.

Marketing Plan - B2B & B2C
SWOT analysis of the company and its top competitors plus marketing suggestion of marketing initiatives & tactics that can be implemented & executed. Referral to other solutions &/or freelancer/business/ professional partners that can assist in the development & execution of the various marketing strategies or tactics suggested. Coaching to marketing automation solutions - 'to-do-it-myself' is optional. Contact me for a FREE quote.

Branding is more than just a logo. Before you invest in printing brochures, catalogs or building a website, you need to know what matters to your customers. What do they think about your brand & what is the perceived value of your brand and your competitor's brand? To make your brand stand out will require a detailed assessment of online & traditional data to later elaborate simple & easy to use branding book that will provide Brand consistency across the different digital & traditional media channels. Contact me for a FREE quote.

Reputation Marketing
Have you ever pick a vendor base on a Google review or their customer's testimonials? Reputation marketing is the process of using your company's reputation to market your business to new leads. Reputation marketing is about acquiring and amplifying positive brand content to use your reputation as a promotional asset in marketing campaigns. One of the main reasons for business failure is their poor reputation & perception online. I will help you manage & control your business reputation online such that your business can be view in a favorable manner & increase your lead generation & customer retention

Digital Marketing Plans - B2B & B2C
Digital marketing solutions range from the development of a new or re-design website, social media pages & landing pages that will help you create product & brand awareness and sale your different products & services. Also, your website will require SEO (Search Engine Optimization), to make sure your it comes atop of Google or any other search engine/browser. And to increase your online presence & sales your business can benefit from online advertisements from SEM, Google Ad words, LinkedIn, Facebook Ads and more. Depending on the plan you select, I will guide you through the right direction & / or help you build each piece of the puzzle. Contact me for a FREE quote.